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Community Life

by Sep 9, 2018Blog1 comment

Paradise one Australia

My second workaway experience in Australia, and I think te most special, grazy, weird place in Australia. By arriving feel I all the energie hanging around this propertie. The eyes from te another workawayers looking to me, and makes me in the beginning best scared. It feels that they everything can see behind your eyes.

I arrived middle in a retreat (workshops) with 65 people they doing a week thinks with emotions, feeling, connecting with the nature and with a speciality focusing on sexualitie. I can tell you, I stay next to this group, but I feel all the energie also in my body, the same as all the another workawayers. It’s be special and weird together and it gives you a lot of good tolks in freetime. I learn so a lot who I’m, my spirit and my strong and weak point. It’s be fucking awesome.

My Jobs are here a bit gardening, cooking, but the most of the time in the permaculture garden. I learn a lot how you can growing vegetables in a nature situatie and how you can create a balance between food and nature. All what grows here is for the groups they we hosting and afcource for ourself. Everything vegetarian and I don’t miss the meat, only the cheese and yoghurt as breakfast🙈

New South Wales is the state where you can find Byron Bay as kind off chill out and back to the basic surrounding. For me a state to explore more about self sufficient community life. I’m so happy that I have been to my second workaway Paradise One.

When I’m being back to the reality world realise how special this adventure was. I have learn so a lot and I feel the positive energie in my body. It was very interesting to see how energie works between people and in a community. Also learning how we as human beings are connecting with nature was very interesting.

Everything what I can say is that I’m being expired and full with energie for the future. It was a step what I need and what my feeling gives me. So special and so amazing that I can trust and follow my feeling!!! I’m exiting for the future.

So much love and so much happiness. This place is for me a paradise on earth. Everything is present for a life full in love with nature, and that’s the energie they I feel. I’m so proud that I have meet all this lovely people

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